Could TheScarletSp1der join up with The Avengers?

Marvel’s biggest movie project ever: The Avengers, is underway! With superheroes like Thor, Captain America, Iron Man, The Hulk, Black Widow, Nick Fury, Hawkeye, and more! Did you know that Spiderman was, at a time, a part of The Avengers? Well, although Tobey Maguire or Andrew Garfield will NOT be cameo-ing as Spiderman in The Avengers, YOURS TRULY—-TheScarletSp1der, just may be! (albeit unmasked and no red/blue tights!) 🙂

Earlier this month, my friend Ruth at Flixchatter sent me a link informing me of a casting call that was taking place to be an extra in Marvel’s The Avengers! I IMMEDIATELY began to make arrangements to not miss it! HERE‘s the link to read the announcement if you wish! Thank you, Ruth, for sending me the link!!

I spent the better part of yesterday in line and filling out forms with my good friends Kal-el and Byrdman as we waited to be briefed on the possibility of being hired as an extra in Marvel’s The Avengers! It was a rather fun and exciting experience. We live approx 225 miles south of where the filming in NM will be taking place, so early in the morning we headed out! Starbucks in hand and pedal to the medal! Let’s just say, for argument’s sake, we made good time!

Not telling who's who! heehee

Doubtful, but ever hopeful about seeing my movie wife there (Scarlett Johansson), we arrived and stood outside in a long line for about 2 hours! Talking with newfound friends, playing dinner table games to pass the time, looking around in amazement at what “Executive Best” meant to some of the wouldbe extras in line! The sun beating down on us, but the excitement about the possibility of being in The Avengers dwarfed all of the noonday NM heat! And…would “Wifey” be inside?!!

This was my first time EVER being at a casting call for a production of this magnitude! I had no idea what to expect! After 2 hours, we made it inside the hotel where Marvel Studios hosted the casting call. Only to be packed inside a room, sardine-like, to wait for the actual casting call! At least there was seating! Discussions could be heard all around the room about Marvel movie news, the new Captain America trailer, the plot for The Avengers, the number of movie contracts Samuel L. Jackson is signed up with Marvel for, Who would win in a fight between this superhero and that superhero?, and more. I began to feel at home in a comic-con-ish geek convention sort of way as I found myself answering questions in my mind in response to all of the movie chatter around me. More rows of chairs were being called in to the other room! TheScarletSp1der soon would be in the casting call room!!

They finally called us! It was our turn. About 30-40 applicants at a time! Tables and chairs! We were briefed by a member of Marvel Studios, given paperwork to sign, had our mugshot taken with identification number in hand, we were thanked, and then ushered out! That was it!! 225 miles of driving, 2.5 hours of waiting, and NO Scarlett Johansson! LOL. Well, hopefully, after all of the casting crews have made their choices, I and my friends may receive calls inviting us to be a part of the film! After filling out the paperwork we visited a few friends and then headed back home! (I won’t tell you how long -or NOT long- it took us to drive back)! 😀  Overall, it was a fun experience!

It could happen! TheScarletSp1der could end up being a part of The Avengers!!!

Are you excited for The Avengers? Have you ever auditioned to be a part of a movie? What was your experience like? Stay tuned! I may be a movie star yet and finally meet my gorgeous wife-to-be! 😉 Scarlett and TheScarletSp1der!!!

(Keep a lookout for that article soon to come dedicated solely to Scarlett Johansson, Ruth!) 😉

Thanks for reading! Happy watching!



  1. This is awesome! I recently had the opportunity to be a part of a ‘Star Wars’ fan film (nothing even CLOSE to the size of ‘The Avengers’, lol) and it was a total blast! I hope this works out for you!!! 🙂


    • Star Wars “anything” is amazing! I remain hopeful. Loved the adventure so far, but if I get a call then confidentiality agreements will keep blogging about it from happening.


  2. AWESOME! I don’t know if you read our interview with a new actor called Jett Anderson which I published earlier this month but this is exactly how he ended up not only being part of Terrence Malick’s upcoming romantic drama but also actually getting a speaking part with a few scenes across Rachel McAdams!

    Good luck T 🙂


  3. Oooh, nice handsome dudes there in the pic! 🙂 Glad you make it to the casting call, T, the second I heard about it being in NM I immediately thought of you. I hope you and your pals get a call back, it’d be so cool to see you in the movie!


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