“Now Hear This!” Celebrating Post #1200!! (And an announced hiatus)

1200Wow! Post#1200! When I started this movie blog back in May of 2010, I never imagined that it would run this long, let alone that it would be so much fun being here with you all and discussing and sharing a passion for movies! 1200 posts full of fun and focused on film. I want to thank each and every one of you that visit and make this page special by you clicking on it to read, comment and share. I look forward to even more fun in the future here at TheFocusedFilmographer.com.

That being said, I have an important announcement to make:

I am taking a break, a hiatus if you will, from blogging for a while.


1. For the love of movies.

-As you may have noticed over the past 2-3 months, posts have slowed. Some of the regular segments weren’t as regular as they once were (“Movie News Monday,” “Time to Vote Tuesday,” “Trailer Time Thursday,” “New Posters of the Week,” etc.) as things in life were getting too busy and the “love” of doing so just to meet a schedule every week tended to become a chore. Something done for fun should never cease to be fun. Just recently, I canceled my movie review column contract with the newspaper that reaches the southern half of New Mexico that had been a weekly column for two years in order to focus on other things and allow me the opportunity to “enjoy movies again” without using the lens of a “critic.”

2. For the love of my blogger friends.anchorman-image-1

-Not that all of my wonderful friends in the blogging community are “forcing me out” or anything, but rather I find that they have all continued to grace my page with their presence but I have found myself incredibly busy and not able to take as much time to visit their pages as much as I would prefer. For those that do not blog, being part of this most understanding community is a wonderful privilege and entails a sense of reciprocation and support quite unlike any other online community. Due to events in life, lack of blogging, tedious work hours during the holiday season and more, my efforts in this area decreased and I’d like to spend more time catching up on other blogs as well. I would encourage any of you reading this to do the same. Pages including, but not limited to:

3. For the love of life that beckons.

-Managing a blog is work that does require time in front of the computer screen…and not doing other things. My regular blogging schedule and expected segments are fun but also work and a better balance is needed to help in this wonderful addiction of mine called blogging.

-Plainly put, I also have tons of projects to be working on in my personal life aside from work as well.

4. For a Refocus.

-I plan to take the time during this hiatus to reconsider just exactly how things will go on the site in the future. Reviews will continue, Movie News Monday will continue, definitely New Posters of the Week and Trailer Time Thursday will continue after the hiatus…but perhaps not EVERY week and instead perhaps once or twice a month. I am not certain and will be taking the time to consider this as well.



“Blogger Burnout” is a phenomena that does exist and I believe its filthy grasp has reached me. Rather than pulling the plug on the entire thing, I have opted to take a break in order to come back stronger, better and with better intent/focus. The best time to do it too…during the movie dumping grounds months of January-March when the majority of what is in theaters is mainly forgettable garbage. (Legend of Hercules, anyone?)legend-of-hercules04

SO, What does this mean will be taking place until the return of TheFocusedFilmographer’s posts?

While the current hiatus is in effect, the posts/updates will continue even MORE SO on Facebook and Twitter. So be sure that you are tuned in there to stay updated until blogging resumes in full force! EVERY movie I review, every new poster I share, every new trailer I post, every new bit of news and rumor I share will be done via these two methods, so my posting will not cease, only its main method will change.

-Facebook: www.facebook.com/TheFocusedFilmographer <<< Click & press “Like”


***Please note that the FB page is entitled “TheScarletSp1der’s Movie Review Blog” because when the site FIRST started, that was the name. I changed the name of the site to TheFocusedFilmographer back in January 2012, but Facebook will not allow the page to be renamed now.fbsharescarlett

-Twitterhttps://twitter.com/FilmsWith_T <<< Click & press “Follow”twitterpage

Updates will continue to come from me through these two venues over the next couple of months that will include trailers, posters, news, short reviews, etc. (To those of you who do not use either Facebook or Twitter, I apologize that there are no other methods in which I share posts at this time. The return of blogging will resume, I expect around Oscar season/the end of March and I hope to see you then, but you will still have access to my latest reviews…see below.)

-Reviews: They will come in the format of the picture below (New feature called: “Fast Film Focus”) on Facebook and Twitter. Short, sweet and simple. I will be sure to include them in the “ARCHIVE” of 300+ reviews (click HERE) so that those who use the catalog can still click and see my thoughts/review.allislost

The titles of the films I review during this hiatus will actually appear in green on the Archive page for easier recognition.



I have very much enjoyed blogging and sharing this passion with you for so long and am very grateful that you choose to visit and let this page be a regular visit either hourly, daily, weekly, monthly or even yearly. This is not a resignation but simply a rededication to myself and to you and I hope that you all will understand and follow via the provided venues above during my hiatus.

Thanks for reading! Happy Watching!

T, TheFocusedFilmographer


  1. Quite an accomplishment, T. And perfectly understandable by this blogger. Hope the time off is beneficial, and whatever you have in store for your readers upon your return, whatever it may be, we’ll be here waiting. Best, my friend.


  2. First of all CONGRATS on 1200 post, wow!! You have accomplished a lot in your relatively short years of blogging! I always enjoy your reviews and fun features, and most especially I consider you my personal friend, not just another blog I follow.

    So with that I’m dismayed that you’re taking a break but totally understand your reasoning. I wish you all the best T and I hope we can still talk movies whether it’s via Twitter, email or what have you. As you know, you are ALWAYS welcome at FlixChatter. I always light up every time I see your red gravatar on my WP notification 😀

    God bless you, my friend!


  3. Congratulations on reaching 1200 posts, T. I completely understand the need to take a break and to step back and reevaluate how the blog is run. I think we all hit that point sooner or later.


  4. Ok, consider me selfish but I don’t want you to go! But I certainly understand. And I’m REALLY glad you are taking time to refocus instead of pulling the plug. You’re a good blogger but you’re also a FUN blogger and that means a lot to me.

    Take care of yourself and I’ll be looking forward to your return!


    • Very kind sentiments in your words, Keith. I thank you. Always want to keep it fun and I appreciate people coming back here because of that. I look forward to my return perhaps more than anyone else. 🙂 Thanks. I’ll be visiting Keith and his movies a bit more frequently.


  5. Congrats on your 1200th post T. and I totally understand that when you’re busy, you can’t do everything you enjoy in life. I’ve been trying to make my short movie the last couple of years and it’s not happening anytime soon, so I know how you feel. Whenever you’re coming back, I’ll be back visit the site.


    • Thanks Ted. I am grateful to you and appreciate your visits and insights. Best of luck in your short movie. I hope you are able to finish it soon and give us movielovers a taste of what we really want to see from Hollywood! 🙂 I’ll be back before you know it.


  6. Congrats on hitting the 1200 mark, T! That’s very impressive. I think it helps to step away every now and then. I know it has certainly helped me — it’s like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders after deciding to not put up content every day. Enjoy your break!


  7. Sometimes a break is needed, and u deserve it. Ur dedication to this blog and followers is undeniable and appreciated. Enjoy ur time off my friend! I look forward to ur return in March 🙂


  8. Great news about hitting 1200, shame that you are taking a break. I went through the same thing after the summer last year and it took me several weeks to enjoy it again. Take your time a hopefully we will see your full return soon. I will miss those caption posts! 🙂


  9. Everyone needs a break now and then, my friend. Good luck getting away from the computer and out into the “real world” for a while.

    It’s always good to refocus the mind on what we do for “fun” in this world – I’ll always love watching movies, but I know the day will come when blogging reviews becomes a chore, or at least less fun than it is now, so I guess I’ll hit that wall sometime as well. Honestly, I don’t think it’ll happen for a while.

    A year or so ago I decided to quit posting daily (I wrote a review every weekday) as well as posting about gossip and movie news, allowing the site to revamp itself as a pure film “review” site. Maintaining a two-per week schedule also allowed me to get ahead with my reviews, so there weren’t any gaps in my posting. Perhaps, while you’re away, thinking about restructuring your content into a schedule you’re actually able to achieve daily/weekly or whenever, so that you have less chance of suffering “blogging fatigue” down the track. Just a thought.

    Anyway, enjoy your time away, and we’ll keep the fires burning until you return!


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