It’s “Time to Vote Tuesday!” 134

Today is Tuesday! and if you’ve been coming here for any length of time, you know that, for most people Tuesday is just the day after Monday, but for you it means that “Time to Vote Tuesday” is here!! YES!!!

What is “Time to Vote Tuesday”?:

“Time to Vote Tuesday” is the session of fun weekly polls which spark thought, debate, and intrigue! Each poll closes in a week with results posted on the following ‘TVT’!

The poll from 2 weeks ago entitled “Fights of Familiar Faces or now known as the “Movie Character Fight Club, Rnd 1” has now closed. With an average of around 27 votes per poll, the fights are over and the winners of Rnd 1 have been chosen. You may recall that I asked for your opinion on which character, played by the same actor, would win in a “Fight Club” match. Below are your winners…click the photo to see the actual overall results.


  • Ian McKellen: Gandalf the White vs. Magneto
  • Christian Bale: Batman vs. John P. in Equilibrium
  • Jason Statham: The Transporter vs. Lee Christmas
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger: Terminator vs. Dutch in Predator
  • Clint Eastwood: Dirty Harry vs. Will Munny in Unforgiven
  • Sylvester Stallone: Rambo vs. Barney Ross
  • Bruce Willis: John McClane vs. Korben Dallas
  • Harrison Ford: Han Solo vs. Indiana Jones

Be sure to check out the results in from the previous post HERE.

I wish to thank everyone that voted in the polls, shared it with others, and added to the conversation with your comments!


This week’s edition of ‘TVT’ presents “Movie Character Fight Club, Rnd 2. In case you do not recall (or don’t know) what sparked the Fight Club to begin in the first place, please read this excerpt below from Round 1 for the rules/origin:

Earlier on Reddit I saw this question in the subreddit option of “r/movies” which received numerous responses and got my attention. Here’s what it asked:actors

(You can click the picture to be taken to the original post for some fun reading if you so wish)

I took the idea and ran with it just a little bit. Today we have created a “Movie Character Fight Club” and, don’t worry, you can talk about this one (Please do, actually, and share it with your friends and have them come vote as well!).Sharing Is Caring

In this first round of Movie Character Fight Club bouts, the same actor will face himself as two different characters they have played in a movie…only, not necessarily does it have to be a hero vs. a villain as the originating question suggests. So, while you may not see a Denzel Washington battle of Bad Guy Alonzo Harris (Training Day) vs. Good Guy Creasy (Man on Fire), you may see something along the lines of a Hugh Jackman battle of Good Guy Van Helsing vs. Good Guy Wolverine. 😀

Today is the day for ROUND 2round2_hdremix

You get the picture.

Today I ask you: Which “characters” win in this second round of “Movie Character Fight Club”?

As a reminder, this is not a poll asking which character is your “favorite.” It is about which character would win in a one on one battle against each other based on their fighting merit and mettle…not their favorable character or looks or one-liners, etc.

















Well, Rnd 2 is underway! Can’t wait to see the results next week. Be sure to vote before the polls close on 1-29-13. The results will post on next week’s “Time to Vote Tuesday!”

*If there is a particular Movie Character Fight you’d like to see, submit your recommendation in the comment section and you may just see it pop up in a future round.

Thanks for reading! Happy Watching!

T, The Focused Filmographer

***Don’t forget: For regular updates on movie news, rumors, pictures, posters, and more, FOLLOW ME on Twitter and Facebook.


up next: my review of Mama


  1. THIS is a fun sub section of Time to Vote Tuesdays! 😀 Dont know if it can be sustained indefinitely or not, but its a rockin idea, man. Both have been fun ! 😀

    Cmon though, who are the three people voting Mr Smith over Tyler Durden? CMONNNNN 😀


    • Thanks a bunch man. agreed, this def has a shelf life as there arent that many overly abundant matches available before it gets redundant, but we may be able to have one more round in a few weeks or so.

      I’m so glad you have enjoyed it. Thanks man.

      agreed on Durden. funny. I felt the same about Round 1’s fight of Christian Bale and then of Statham. (wrong guys won IMO)


  2. Once you have the winners you should then begin pitting them against each other to have to Ultimate Fight Club Champ! LoL Wait wait wait…. 1st rule of fight club is WE DO NOT TALK ABOUT FIGHT CLUB! What are we doing here guys?!? And Tyler Durden wins regardless of match up…he IS Fight CLub! And boom goes the dynamite.


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