“And the Red Web Award Goes To…”

Welcome to the 3rd Annual Red Web Awards Ceremony!

In case you are unaware of this most prestigious award, here’s what the RED WEB AWARDS are all about:

Award season is always fun! But sometimes, certain films/directors/actors don’t get the recognition I feel they may deserve. So, since that is often the case, a few years ago I decided to host my own “Golden Globe Awards” of sorts, in which you get to help participate and choose the winners.

This prestigous award, entitled The RED WEB AWARD, pays homage to the dedication, cinematic success, inspiration, and amazement of the nominees. A panel of 12 judges was assembled and each judge submitted their nominees for the award categories that were then voted on by you from Tuesday the 15th to Saturday the 19th. (see the nomination post HERE).

The polls have closed, and now, the much anticipated Awards ceremony is upon us! Get ready, the wait is over.

All of the films of 2012, all of the movie-watching, all of the nominations, all of the voting, and all of the blood, sweat, and tears in Hollywood have led up to this glorious moment! Arriving on the red carpet in full glitz and glamour and finding their seats are all of the members of cinematic royalty! Oh wow! Look at how many showed up for this momentous event. Everyone’s here and the room looks absolutely amazing with so many stars!awardceremony

We’ve been waiting for a long time to see who the winners of the prestigious Red Web Awards would be. The moment of truth is upon us. Please join me in a warm welcome for your hosts of this year’s Red Web Award Ceremony:

The co-stars of this year’s The Dark Knight Rises:

..and without further ado, on to the awards!

Last week, the RWAs launched with the nominees in 8 different categories! (click HERE to see the nomination post). You all voted and the results of YOUR choices are in! <drumroll please>

Marion? Morgan? Would you be so kind as to announce the winners!

In the category of 2012’s WORST Motion Picture, the Red Web Award Goes To…The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn, pt 2.

Overall Results: Twilight: 24, Piranha 3DD: 15, Oogieloves: 12, Iron Sky: 9, A Thousand Words: 8, The Devil Inside: 7, Total Recall: 7, Trouble with the Curve: 5, Chernobyl Diaries: 4, Premium Rush: 4, The Woman in Black: 0.


In the category of 2012’s Best Animated Feature, the Red Web Award Goes To…Wreck-It Ralph.wreckitralph

Overall Results: Wreck-It Ralph: 30, Brave: 26, Rise of the Guardians: 19, The Dark Knight Returns pt 1: 8, Frankenweenie: 4, The Lorax: 4, From Up on Poppy Hill: 1, Madagascar 3: 1.


In the category of 2012’s Best Motion Picture Soundtrack, the Red Web Award Goes To…Les Misérables.les_miserables_soundtrack

Overall Results: Les Mis: 19, The Dark Knight Rises: 17, The Hobbit: 17, Django Unchained: 16, Brave: 10, Skyfall: 8, Cloud Atlas: 6, Moonrise Kingdom: 5, Searching for Sugarman: 4, Rise of the Guardians: 0.


In the category of 2012′s Best Performance by ANY Actor, the Red Web Award Goes To…Daniel Day-Lewis (Lincoln).daniel

Overall Results: Daniel Day-Lewis: 28, Mark Ruffalo (The Avengers): 15, Michael Caine (TDKR): 15, Leonardo DiCaprio (Django): 14, Tom Hardy (Lawless): 12, Josh Brolin (MIB3): 5, Michael Fassbender (Prometheus): 5, Joaquin Phoenix (The Master): 4, Denzel Washington (Flight): 4, Philip Seymour Hoffman (The Master): 3.


In the category of 2012’s Best Performance by ANY Actress, the Red Web Award Goes To…Anne Hathaway (Les Misérables).anne

Overall Results: Anne Hathaway (Les Misérables): 28, Jennifer Lawrence (Silver Linings): 14, Anne Hathaway (TDKR): 12, Jessica Chastain (Zero Dark Thirty): 11, Jennifer Lawrence (Hunger Games): 9, Judi Dench (Skyfall): 8, Quvenzhané Wallis (Beasts): 8, Charlize Theron (SWATH): 6, Jessica Chastain (Lawless): 4, Emma Watson (Perks of Being a Wallflower): 4.


In the category of 2012’s Best Director of a Motion Picture, the Red Web Award Goes To…Joss Whedon (The Avengers).joss-whedon-apjpg-8704b17072eb50c7

Overall Results: Whedon: 32, Affleck (Argo): 21, Christopher Nolan (TDKR): 20, Spielberg (Lincoln): 8, Kathryn Bigelow (Zero Dark Thirty): 7, Ang Lee (Life of Pi): 4, Paul T. Anderson (The Master): 4, Gareth Evans (The Raid): 3, Wes Anderson (Moonrise Kingdom): 3, David Russel (Silver Linings Playbook): 0.


In the category of 2012’s Best Motion Picture, the Red Web Award Goes To…The Avengers.avengers

Overall Results: Avengers: 28, Argo: 15, The Dark Knight Rises: 13, Lawless: 10, Silver Linings Playbook: 10, Looper: 7, Life of Pi: 6, Lincoln: 4, Skyfall: 3, Zero Dark Thirty 3, Amour: 1.


This year’s recipient of the new “Silver Screen Surprise Award” which is awarded to the film that surprised the most in the year: 21 Jump Street21-jump-street

Overall Results: 21 Jump Street: 22, Chronicle: 15, Lawless: 13, Beasts of the Southern Wild: 8, Headhunters: 4.


Honorable Mentions (not in the polls):bradley

  • Best Actor: Christoph Waltz, Hugh Jackman, Samuel L. Jackson, Bradley Cooper
  • Best Picture: Cabin in the Woods, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Django Unchained, Seven Psychopaths
  • Worst Picture: Lockout, Cosmopolis, Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning

Quentin Tarantino was pretty shocked that he wasn’t a 1st pick for the nominees of the Best Director or Best Picture Red Web Award categories!

Did your favorite nominee(s) win?


After the ceremony I caught up with some of the winners and nominees. Here were some of the highlights of my post-ceremony interviews:

  • Kristen Stewart stated that she was saddened about the award for “Worst Picture of the Year”, but was glad that it wasn’t for Snow White & the Huntsman because she was most proud of her work with her coworkers and director on that film instead. To which her boyfriend, Robert Pattinson, stood there as expressionless as she.Anne-Hathaway
  • Anne Hathaway cried, but this time for joy as she reminded me of the first Red Web Awards in which she received NO votes. She told me that she had dreamed a dream of award seasons gone by and now she believed life (and her fanbase) was more giving!
  • Ralph told me that he was off to “wreck some fools” in some “Call of Duty” after beating all the other animated nominees. I then asked Batman what he had to say about losing to Ralph, to which he replied “It doesn’t matter…because…I’m Batman!”
  • Surprisingly, Adam Sandler was a little bummed that he received no mention at all. Our interview was interrupted when he rudely answered his cell phone. It was his mom. Not sure what all she said, but I did hear her congratulate him and say “That’s My Boy!”
  • Jack Frost told me that he was used to the cold reception when I asked him what he thought about 0 votes for the soundtrack to Rise of the Guardians.rdj
  • Robert Downey Jr was there and said that Joss Whedon truly deserved the win. Well, actually, he said “I couldn’t believe I wasn’t nominated, but if there was any other guy that could possibly attempt to fill my shoes…I’d want that guy to be Joss. See? I’m still a philanthropist. Even when I don’t win! At least ol’ Wolverine didn’t get a nomination instead!”
  • Channing Tatum reminded me of all the times I bashed him on my site this year and then proceeded to laugh and shoot a gun up in the air in celebration of his win. I congratulated him, thanked him for reading my page and then reminded him that at least I didn’t get beat up by a girl this year (see Haywire). He quietly left after that.
  • Scarlett Johansson kissed me. [that is all that matters] 🙂


I’d like to thank Marion and Morgan, and all of YOU who helped make this year’s 3rd Annual Red Web Awards such a major success! This year brought over 700 votes to the RED WEB AWARDS! Wow! Thank you to those of you who voted; who shared the polls on Facebook, WordPress, Twitter, etc.; and special bit of gratitude to all of this year’s panel judges.judges

THANK YOU!3rd Red Web Awards

Until next year’s annual Red Web Awards!

T, The Focused Filmographer

up next: “Movie News Monday!”


  1. Yay I voted for Joss Whedon and the Avengers in their categories 🙂 Would have liked to see Jennifer Lawrence/ Silver Linings get an award but we can’t have everything… Lots of fun!


  2. Haha, great work here, T! Looks like there were a lot of close races, especially best soundtrack. Shocked that Joaquin Phoenix only received four votes for Best Actor though. :O


    • Thanks Eric. Thanks for having fun with it. Things came out pretty good. the soundtrack race was super close. Django was winning it for about 2 days, so it was interesting to see it go down to #4.

      Joaquin Phoenix deserved a few more votes IMO as well truthfully, as much as I wasn’t a fan of The Master.


  3. Ahah, fun to be part of the festivities, T! Wow, Marion and Morgan hosting? What an awesome duo! Nice to see The Avengers won, I wonder if the voters are biased because you’re in it? 😉 Just kidding, obviously it was a ton of fun… but man, DC is obviously trailing if TDKR is at third place!! As for performances, I’m sad that NOBODY but me wanted John Hawkes to at least be in the top 5, but I think most people didn’t see The Sessions. I also wanted Jessica Chastain to win. Ah well, cool award nonetheless T, well done!


    • Marion and Morgan had been wanting to host it since last year and I was glad their schedules cleared up. They did such a great job hosting the event this year, don’t you think? 😀

      I hope The Avengers didn’t win because I’m in it. 🙂 haha DC will have a better year hopefully with Man of Steel.

      There were a few surprises in the results this year, but the awards went to the people’s choices. Thanks for being such a fun part and for the kind compliment.


      • “…DC will have a better year hopefully with Man of Steel” Yes absolutely!! I LOVE Henry and I hope his career will hit the stratosphere after this, like the Hemsworth brothers at least. Btw, did you know he’s dating Gina Carano now? Maybe he’ll get to star in the next Soderbergh’s movie, ahah.


  4. Well done, T! Lots of fun reading this. I think, maybe surprisingly to myself, I had the most trouble voting on Best Soundtrack so it was cool to see how close that race was. A little disappointed to see Jessica Chastain lose out on best actress. Hathaway was great but I think Chastain had the best performance, male or female, of the year. Hopefully she can drown out this loss with the scores of awards she’s sure to pick up through the rest of the season. 🙂


    • Thanks Brian. Glad you were a part of it. The Soundtrack race was super close the entire time! Like I mentioned in an earlier comment, Django had the lead (a strong one) for the first 2 days of the polls. I thought Chastain would have more votes, honestly. But she will for sure see more awards for her impressive hard work.


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