“And That’s What’s Up” (A preview of this week’s posts)

Happy Sunday to you all.

This is just a quick little post to give you wonderful readers a little bit of insight into what’s up here at the offices of The Focused Filmographer at “Focus Towers.” 😀 Got a big week planned ahead for you. Take a look with me and see what’s up at “Focus Towers” this week!Up-movie-opening-sequence

Sunday: The 70th Annual Golden Globes to be presented LIVE on NBC tonite with telecast beginning at 8pm EST/5pm PST.

Monday: Movie News Monday (Post-Golden Globes Award results). Check out this edition of ‘MNM’ to see who won the Golden Globes…along with all the regular weekly news you expect!movienewsmonday

Tuesday: Time to Vote Tuesday 133, special edition: The 3rd Annual Red Web Awards. Not a fan of the Academy-led award season picks (Golden Globes, Oscars, etc)? Then do NOT miss Tuesday’s post as a panel of 12 judges, including myself, present the nominees for the prestigious Red Web Award. YOU can then vote for the winners in their respective categories. Share it with your friends and family!redwebawards

(Polls will remain open for only 5 days).

Wednesday: A look at a new segment I may introduce from time to time (depending on its reception/popularity) entitled “Now Streaming…Netflix No-No’s”!


Thursday: “Trailer Time Thursday!” -Curious to see what new trailers launch this week? Don’t miss Thursday.preview

Friday: “There’s an App for That!” -a look at a few apps for your smartphone/tablet that I have discovered that can help you in your quest for staying in “the know” when it comes to movies, movie news, and more. (This post may be post-poned, but it IS in the works.)

Apps for All
Apps for All

Saturday: New Posters of the Week. One of my favorite segments continues with looks at the newest posters promoting upcoming movies.New Posters

Sunday: Red Web Awards Ceremony (Results)! All of the voting you did for the Red Web Awards has finally paid off. Be sure to get your front row seat to the ceremony and celebrate the victory of the winners. With a special host as Master of Ceremonies, come dressed to impress and see if the nominees you voted for won the award.

"...and the Red Web Award goes to..."
“…and the Red Web Award goes to…”

*This, of course, is a tentative schedule I am working on bringing to you this week [time and work permitting], along with (hopefully) reviews for some, if not all, of the following:

  • Upside DownUpsideDown poster oxe7.com
  • Silver Linings Playbook
  • Hitchcock
  • Mama
  • The Last Stand
  • Broken City

Birthdays this week:

  • Sunday 1/13: Orlando Bloom (36)
  • Monday 1/14: Steven Soderbergh (50)
  • Wednesday 1/16: John Carpenter (65)
  • Thursday 1/17: Jim Carrey (51), James Earl Jones (82), Betty White (91)
  • Friday 1/18: Jason Segel (34), Kevin Costner (58)

So, that’s what’s up at “Focus Towers” this week! Keep a lookout for an exciting week here. ESPECIALLY on Tuesday!

Stay tuned.

Thanks for reading! Happy Watching.

T, The Focused Filmographer


  1. I Can Never Seem To Plan That Far Ahead.
    That’s Why My Blog Is Chaos At Times.
    It’s Whatever I’m Thinking Or Feeling That Day.
    Planning Simply Never Worked For Me.
    I’m Glad You’ve Found A Way To Make It Work For You. 🙂


  2. Nice roundup on what to expect T! I’ve got reviews of Life of Pi and Zero Dark Thirty next week though it’s been slow going as it’s been a hectic weekend.


  3. Nice way to keep everyone updated. I try to keep to schedule as well, but too many outside forces stop me from doing so. (at least this year… last year I was on the ball). Glad to see another blogger so organized though lol. I’ll check out the awards tomorrow for sure!


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