It’s “Time to Vote Tuesday!” 131

Today is Tuesday! and if you’ve been coming here for any length of time, you know that, for most people Tuesday is just the day after Monday, but for you it means that “Time to Vote Tuesday” is here!! YES!!!

What is “Time to Vote Tuesday”?:

“Time to Vote Tuesday” is the session of fun weekly polls which spark thought, debate, and intrigue! Each poll closes in a week with results posted on the following ‘TVT’!

Last week’s poll (actually, this was the poll from 2 weeks ago) entitled Happy Birthday, Mr. Spielberg has now closed with a total of 67 votes. I asked for your opinion for which of Steven Spielberg’s movies were your favorites. The votes are in and with a close run for 1st Saving Private Ryan won by 2 votes, followed by a 2-way tie for 2nd place.saving-private-ryan_1998-2-1000x555

Be sure to check out the results in from “last week’s” poll HERE.

I wish to thank everyone that voted in the poll, shared it with others, and added to the conversation with your comments!


In this SPECIAL edition of ‘TVT’ this week’s poll, entitled “Posters, Posters, Posters”, we look back at 2012 (today being the first day of 2013), and discuss some of the best posters of the year.

A little bit different type of format for this week’s Time to Vote Tuesday. It blends two regular segments: “Time to Vote Tuesday” and “New Posters of the Week.”

New Posters

Every week I bring you the newest poster offerings and over the past year there have been many that released. Some were great, some got us excited for the movie, some were just plain bad. (like THIS one).

Today I ask you: What was your favorite poster of 2012?

You can actually see quite a bit of them HERE (although, be advised, some of the posters were NOT released in 2012 but are on the ImpAwards’ list because the movie itself released in 2012.)

Below are my Top 20 Favorite Posters that released in 2012. (Click any poster for a full-screen slideshow)

With 3 Honorable Mentions:

So, here is your poll. Take time to consider and let me know! (Vote for THREE before you press “VOTE”)

Vote before the poll closes on 1-8-13. The results will post on next week’s “Time to Vote Tuesday!” 

Thanks for reading! Happy Watching!

T, The Focused Filmographer

***Don’t forget: For regular updates on movie news, rumors, pictures, posters, and more, FOLLOW ME on Twitter and Facebook.



  1. Sorry I missed your poll during my vacation, T. Well, I voted for Paranorman (I like the illustrations), Skyfall and Looper. I’d have voted for the Hitchcock one as it’s one of the most interesting styles I’ve seen this year.


  2. I hated the movie Paranorman but that poster is super strong. Had to vote for it. I hadn’t seen that Bourne Legacy poster. Pretty solid! Overall, I must say I was a little disappointed by the studio posters this year. Glad that there are enough talented people out there making fan posters and such!


    • I think you’re one of the few people I’ve heard say anything negative about ParaNorman. ha. Glad I could show you a “new” Bourne Legacy poster. Usually you are pretty great at surprising me with a few alternate designs. Glad I got to return the favor as it were. Thanks for voting.


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